Our Story

Unique Vision Foundation, Non-Profit Organization,

is a beacon of hope and inclusivity, born out of a deep-seated commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of visually impaired individuals. Established in 2016, our journey began with a simple yet profound concept: to extend a helping hand to those in need within our community. Our foundation swiftly found its purpose in enriching the lives of visually impaired children through engaging programs and activities

Our Mission

We empower visually impaired individuals and promote inclusivity through dynamic programs. Join us in creating opportunities for inclusion and empowerment.


S.K. Y. Babu


Born with blindness, Babu defied all odds to establish uniquevision.org, a beacon of hope for the visually impaired community. Drawing from personal experience, Babu recognized the transformative power of education and cultural engagement in shaping lives. Through Babu's leadership, we continue to illuminate paths of opportunity and inclusion, enriching the lives of those we serve.

Viswanatha Reddy

Digitization Adviser

Meet Viswanatha Reddy, our esteemed Digitization Adviser. With a wealth of experience in digital technologies and a passion for accessibility, Viswanatha leads our efforts to digitize resources and enhance accessibility for the visually impaired community. His expertise ensures that our initiatives leverage the latest digital tools to make a meaningful impact.

Tanay Sai

Technical Adviser

Introducing Tanay Sai, our dedicated Technical Adviser. With a strong background in software development and a commitment to innovation, Tanay guides our technical endeavors to ensure seamless functionality and user experience. His expertise in leveraging technology empowers us to deliver cutting-edge solutions for the visually impaired.

Make an impact.
Save lives.

Our Causes

Empowering Education

Support our programs to provide educational opportunities for visually impaired children and empower them for a brighter future.

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Breaking Barriers

Help us promote accessibility and break barriers by providing assistive devices and technology for visually impaired individuals.

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Empowering through Events

Join us in empowering the visually impaired through inclusive events. Your support helps create meaningful experiences and fosters community engagement.

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Become a volunteer today

About Volunteering

Join our team and make a meaningful impact by volunteering with Unique Vision Foundation for the Blind Cultural Team. Together, let's create opportunities for inclusion and empowerment in the visually impaired community.

Get in touch

SK. Y. Babu


Contact Infomation

Sri Krishna Nagar, Yusufguda, Hyderabad

+91 9490776686


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Or, you can just send an email: info@uniquevision.org